Announcements 8 September 2024
1. At 11:30 on Wednesday, we have our Healing Word communion service in St. Matthias Church, with refreshments in the Rectory afterwards.
2. The retiring collection on Sunday next goes towards Christian Aid and its work around the globe.
3. The Mothers’ Union membership service will take place on Thursday at 3pm in Saint Matthew’s Church, Aughadown, with refreshments to follow. All interested are welcome to come along and join in the gathering.
4. On Saturday 14 September, at St Brendan’s Church in Crookhaven from 2 to 5, Eilish Butler will lead a workshop exploring the spirituality and plainchant of the gifted Hildegard of Bingen, a German Benedictine nun of the 12th century. Please let Revd. Terry Mitchell know if you wish to attend. His email address and more details on Hildegard and the event can be found in the back of church.
YouTube Channel
From the Bishop
Dear Friends,
In the space of a very few short weeks, we in the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross have had to reinvent our worship and our pastoral care imaginatively and appropriately while mostly working from home. The church buildings may be closed but we, as the Church, are very much open, and doing what we are called to do in ways, old and new.
At an online meeting of the Clergy it was decided that we needed, in addition to many of the other things we are making of use of, to have a Diocesan YouTube Channel as a place where people can find in one place our worship and talks and messages, as well as encouragement. I set one up overnight, and the Reverend Robert Ferris has kindly been 'correcting what is amiss and supplying what is lacking.'
The YouTube link is a long an impossible one to remember or hand out link. With 100 subscribers we can get a memorable and usable link and with your help we can change this at no cost. So would you please click on the YouTube logo below, and then, in the top right of the screen, click 'subscribe'. If you do not already have a Youtube account it is easy to create one on the YouTube site.
By doing this simple 'click and subscribe' you will hugely increase the usefulness of the work we are doing and the availability of the resources which we will be publishing on YouTube, including in Holy Week next week and Easter.
Thank you for your help!
Dr Paul Colton
The Right Rev. Dr. Paul Colton
Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross
Saint Anne’s Hospital in Skibbereen: The residents of St. Anne’s Hospital Skibbereen would appreciate visits from Volunteers for social interaction, to read or discuss the newspaper, play cards, play bingo, sing a song, play the piano, assist with outings or be innovative in doing something new. For further details, you are welcome to contact Ms Tara O’Donovan, Clinical Nurse Manager, on Tel. 028-38132.
Cancer Connect is a brilliant initiative between West Cork Rural Transport and the hospitals in Cork City. A rare occasion of the left hand and the right hand actually working together. People who need radiotherapy have to receive a 10-minute treatment every day for 35 days. This radiotherapy can only be administered in The Regional Hospital in Cork, so a really tiresome daily trek is needed. The West Cork Rural Transport provide a daily mini-bus service from Goleen along the N71 to Cork which is free to any patient requiring this treatment. The really excellent part of this is that the Regional Hospital ensure that any patients from West Cork will receive their treatment between noon and 1pm.
A further service is now in place whereby patients requiring chemotherapy and other cancer treatments can avail of a private car and driver. The drivers of both services are volunteers, and so far more than 300 trips to Cork Hospitals have been provided. If you feel you can help with driving, once a month is all that is needed, please contact Helen on 027 52727. Or if you know of any patients who may find the service of use, please call Helen on 027 52727. The proceeds of the Pancake Day coffee morning were donated to this excellent service.
The Aughadown Church Hall If you know of anyone who is having a party, family gathering, wedding reception, children’s party, and are looking for a venue, please suggest the Church Hall at Church Cross. It comes with a well equipped kitchen; good parking; lots of space outside if you have youngsters wanting to run about and let off steam, and is very reasonable to hire.
The Aughadown Walking Group meets every Monday and Thursday at 10am at the GAA Community Hall at Church Cross. All are welcome to join the Group for a walk. The walk lasts about 40 minutes along local lanes, all of which are fairly flat and sheltered. It is not a route march, a race or over-strenuous, but an opportunity to get fit and socialise. There is no charge and for further information please call Brigid O’Brien on 38132.